👋ChainEx Overview

Chainex: An open-source Account Abstraction SDK enabling seamless UX for blockchain DApps.

ChainEx offers a transformative toolkit for developers in the blockchain space, enabling the creation of user-centric DApps with enhanced security and simplified onboarding. By integrating ERC4337 technology, it offers seamless user experiences with features like sponsored transactions, batch operations, and customizable security protocols. This SDK empowers stakeholders with a share in revenue streams, fostering a community aligned with ChainEx's growth and innovation.

With ChainEx ERC4337 SDK you can:

  • ✓ Remove seed phrases with social logins, passkeys, and more.

  • ✓ Sponsor gas for users or let them pay gas with ERC20s

  • ✓ Batch & automate transactions

  • ✓ Add custom wallet features with plugins

💡pageAccount Abstraction: The New Horizon✨pageERC-4337🛠ī¸pageRoadmapđŸĒ™pageTokenomics

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