Making transactions
Example of a mint transaction using our SDK
Initiating Smart Contract:
const apiKey = process.env.API_KEY;
const chainEx = new ChainEx(apiKey);
const smartAccount = await chainEx.initialize(provider, configParams);
const contractAddress = "<contract_address>";
const abi = ERC721_ABI;
const erc721Contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi);
Identify the address and ABI of your ERC-721 contract for SDK-enabled interactions.
Constructing a Transaction:
const transaction = {
target: contractAddress,
data: erc721Contract.interface.encodeFunctionData("safeMint", [param1, param2]) `
Create a transaction blueprint for invoking the safeMint
function on your ERC-721 contract via ChainEx.
Transaction Execution:
const operationHash = await chainEx.executeTransaction(transaction);
console.log("Operation Hash:", operationHash);
Execute the transaction with ChainEx and receive the operation hash.