Some of the use cases of account abstraction
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Some of the use cases of account abstraction
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Smart contracts are infinitely more flexible in their capabilities than EOAs. Each smart contract can define different rules and configurations within its code.
Some examples of use cases can be seen below:
Use Case
Contract Accounts
Permission controls
Private key grants full access to everything.
Define a list of tiered permission levels. e.g. Require 3 out of 5 signers to approve a transaction.
Batch transactions
Each individual action requires a separate signature.
Capable of batching transactions together; e.g. approving a token transfer and transferring a token in the same operation.
Account Recovery
Loss or exposure of private key means full loss of control over the wallet.
There is no private key. You can write any arbitrary logic in code that allows you to recover the funds in the wallet.
Transaction limits
Any transaction your wallet signs is what occurs. You cannot restrict anything.
Write any logic to control how funds can be transferred. E.g. a function to halt transactions to other addresses while you recover your account.
These are just a few of the capabilities that contract accounts offer over traditional EOAs. The key thing is; that contract accounts are code.
This means anything you can write in code is therefore possible in a contract account.